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Starting a Blog!

I've decided that one of the ways I can build my career and allow myself to become more known is by starting this blog. I've never done something like this before either. Much like social media, I tended to shy away and just thought it better to not speak up at all. But I realized that's something that's going to have to change.

You can't break into most industries without first letting people know who you are, and that's what this blog hopes to accomplish. I plan on keeping to a weekly schedule of posting. These posts will offer insight into what I'm currently working on, talk about what I've recently been playing/watching, as well as offer opinions into events from the gaming industry (and maybe talking about events related to animation as well).

This is both exciting and nerve wracking for me. While I'm open to new experiences and opportunities, I've never put myself out into the wild like this. I can only hope that this leads to new discussions and insights as we look towards the future!

(P.S. I hope for these posts to be a lot looser in the future. This doesn't mean poorly written, just less professional sounding)

Thanks! And hopefully this gets some readers!

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