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Career Assessment


I have currently taken numerous exams and quizzes that have determined not only how I think, but how I act. For example, I discovered that my personality type was ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging). This type of personality is known for being quite and serious, but also hard working and conscientious. They are more realistic and have great attention to detail. These people want clear directions and explicit expectations so as to perform well. We have good common sense and tend to make conservative, thoughtful, and sensible decisions. Not only that, but we are patient, loyal, and caring people who are interested in the concerns/feelings of others. We are quite and modest so we prefer to share with only those we know well. We take great pride in accomplishment, for we have strong work ethics and take commitments seriously. I have also taken the multiple intelligences assessment to discover how I tend to think towards things. My top intelligence was spatial, which means I remember things visually. I enjoy visual diagrams and demonstrations when it comes to learning. I also enjoy doing some designing. The next top intelligence was body movement, meaning that I enjoy to move. I have fine motor skills and enjoy incorporating body movement into my learning process. The final intelligence was social, so I enjoy talking with other people. I learn from others and share ideas with them. I enjoy taking part in group discussions and discussing topics one-to-one. The Minnesota Career Information System has a test titled IDEAS, which will find out what interests you will have in certain careers. For example, my highest interest was artistic; both drawing and writing. This means that I will find careers that are creativity focused more appealing. The other top interests were social and enterprising. In social my interests were highest when the career was around children. With enterprising, interests were highest for careers with public involvement. Finally, the Gregoric learning styles assessment was taken, which describes my natural abilites, how they work best, and what we'll have difficulty with. My learning style was concrete random, which I feel describes me fairly well. I naturally have the ability to experiment, be independent, take calculated risks, and create weird, unusual approaches. Concrete randoms typically work best they are self-directed, competitive, and produce real, imaginative products. They also prefer hands-on experiences to just details and explanations. However, we have difficulty with pacing and meeting time limitations. Also, we have difficulty choosing one answer, keeping records, and having no variety, options, or choices.




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